My name is Tangina Alam. I am 27 and I am from England. I work as a counselor for young people aged 12-25 in the UK. I learnt about CRP by searching the internet for volunteer placements in Bangladesh. I wanted to visit Bangladesh as my parents were born here before moving to England. I have helped a lot of people in England through my job and always wanted to do the same for my “own people” in Bangladesh thinking of the stigma people with disabilities face here. So I searched the internet for volunteer placements in Bangladesh and thus learnt about CRP. I came to CRP in August, stayed for a month and worked as a general volunteer mainly in the William and Marie Taylor Inclusive School. During my stay I shared some suggestions regarding child protection, introduced some activities to complete with disabled children such as equipment used in UK for people with hand problems and so on. I enjoyed staying at CRP but it would be great if a detailed programme could be developed for the general volunteers. I travelled to Sylhet and loved the beautiful place and wonderful people because this is where my parents are from.