Kayum Hossain is a 16 years old boy from Barisal. He is a student and going to enroll in 12th class very soon. His father is a poor farmer who needs to support a family consists of 8 members. In the middle of April, 2016 when Kayum was enjoying his vacation after his exam the accident occurred. He fell from a coconut tree when climbed up to pick some coconut. He could not feel anything below his waist. He was taken to the nearest hospital in his village. They sent him to Chadpur General Hospital and finally he was referred to Dhaka Medical College Hospital (DMCH) by them. There the doctors assessed him and found his spinal cord damaged. They suggested him to undergo an operation. He stayed there for two days but for long waiting list of Operation Theater, he left DMCH and operated his spinal cord from a private hospital. After discharge from hospital, he went back to his home and stayed there for 2 months. In the meantime two pressure ulcers developed on his back. He was looking for a place where he can train himself up to face this new life.
He heard about CRP from an old patient of CRP in his village. Finally, he came to CRP in the middle of July. CRP’s multidisciplinary team observed him and admitted him. He was in a long trolley for his pressure sores and his sores healed with dressing of CRP’s nurses. He received physiotherapy and occupational therapy for retaining his physical strength and functional ability. CRP’s counselors constantly counsel him to become mentally stable and hopeful about his future. Kayum himself agreed when he was at home he was very much frustrated, but after coming to CRP he learnt a lot and considers himself like other person. According to the doctors and therapists he is a complete paraplegic patient and he will be able to move with his wheelchair freely. He can stand on a walking frame with the support of a back slab. His upper limb muscle power is very good and he can do his daily tasks independently.
Kayum is planning to return to his studies after discharge from CRP. But he is anxious about his educational expenses and accessibility to his home and college. His father could spend a little money at CRP as he sold his land for Kayum’s operation in a private hospital. CRP can help him to continue his studies with the support of generous donors like you. Your little help can embody his dream.